在英語國家,“please”是最常使用的單詞之一,我們也習慣性地把“please”視爲「請」的禮貌用語。然而,說了“please”就代表有禮貌的嗎?非也。有時候,儘管在語句中加上“please”,還是會讓對方覺得有被命令的感覺。就拿"Please open the book."和"Please call me back in the afternoon."這兩句做例子,你以為在句首加上”please”就會讓自己的表達更有禮貌嗎?事實是聽者會認爲你是在命令他做事,”please”顯然無補於事。今期,我們就來談談有哪些方法能有助淡化語句的「命令感」,讓我們以英語溝通甚至請求他人做事時,能表現得更大體、更有禮貌吧!
方法1:使用情態動詞 (Modal Verbs)
情態動詞(Modal Verbs)又稱為情態助動詞(Modal Auxiliaries),表示說話人的語氣,可表達意見、要求、意願等,從而使說話的語氣顯得比較有禮貌。
Example 1:
(X)^Please call me back on Friday.
(✓)Could you please call me back on Friday?
(✓)Could you call me back on Friday, please?
(^聽起來像在下命令、提要求。想要語氣禮貌,應使用情態動詞。此外,當“please”用在句首的時候,語氣聽起來就比較強,聽起來像命令。因此,“Please call me back on Friday.”這句説話會讓聽者認爲你是在命令他,一點禮貌也沒有。把“please”放在句子末端,如“Could you call me back on Friday, please? Thank you.” 就顯得更有禮貌了。)
Example 2:
(X)Please leave. I have to take this phone call.
(✓)Could you step out of the room for a moment, please? I have to take this phone call.
Example 3:
(X)Please order me a coffee.
(✓)Would you get me a coffee, please?
Example 4:
(X) Send me an email by tomorrow.
(✓)Could you send me an email by tomorrow?
Example 5:
(X)I need to borrow your stapler (釘書機)for a moment.
(✓)May I borrow your stapler for a moment?
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