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02563 華昊中天醫藥-B
Listing Date2024/10/31
Listing Price16.000
  • 11.680 +0.120 (+1.038%)    Sink Below Listing Price
  • 15-min delayed, last update: 13/03/2025 10:25
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Beijing Biostar Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd. is a synthetic biology-driven biopharmaceutical company committed to developing innovative drugs in oncology. Since the Group’s inception in 2002, it has successfully developed three core technology platforms that focus on the R&D of microbial metabolite new drugs, including the combinatorial biosynthesis, the microbial fermentation production and the microbial drug formulation development.


As of October 14, 2024, the Group had one commercialized product and 19 other pipeline product candidates, with Utidelone Injection being its single Core Product. Utidelone Injection received approval from the NMPA in 2021 for its lead indication, it was the only approved chemotherapy drug developed using synthetic biology technology, and it was also the sole microtubule inhibitor oncology drug with a new molecular structure that was approved worldwide since 2010.


The Group’s current clinical trials and programs of the Core Product and product candidates cover indications of advanced breast cancer (encompassing stage IIIB and IIIC breast cancers that are initially inoperable without distant metastasis, as well as all stage IV breast cancers), advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), neoadjuvant for breast cancer, gastric cancer, esophageal cancer, breast cancer brain metastasis, lung cancer brain metastasis, glioblastoma, and other solid tumors.


The Group’s revenue was derived from the sales of Utidelone Injection. The Group’s customers are primarily distributors who sell its products to hospitals and pharmacies.

MarketHong Kong (Main Board)
Business NatureHealth Care
Major Business AreaChina
Board Lot200
No. of Offer Shares14.59M H shares
No. of International Offer Shares12.84M H shares
No. of HK Offer Shares1.75M H shares
Offer Price$16.00 - $22.00
Stock Code2563
Sponsor(s)CCB International Capital Limited, China Securities (International) Corporate Finance Company Limited
Underwriter(s)CCB International Capital Limited, China Securities (International) Corporate Finance Company Limited, ICBC International Securities Limited, CMBC Securities Company Limited, SPDB International Capital Limited, CGS International Securities Hong Kong Limited, Shenwan Hongyuan Securities (H.K.) Limited, Zhongtai International Securities Limited, Orient Securities (Hong Kong) Limited, Fosun International Securities Limited, Guoyuan Securities Brokerage (Hong Kong) Limited, Shanxi Securities International Limited, First Shanghai Securities Limited, Patrons Securities Limited, Mouette Securities Company Limited, Citrus Securities Limited, Futu Securities International (Hong Kong) Limited
Application PeriodOct 23 (Wed) - noon, Oct 28 (Mon)
Price Determination DateOct 29 (Tue)
Result Announcement DateOn or before Oct 30 (Wed)
Result Announcement DateOn or before Oct 30 (Wed)
Result Announcement DateOn or before Oct 31 (Thu)
Dealings in Shares commence onOct 31, 2024. (Thu)
Reallocation of Shares Offered
Times of HK Offer Shares Subscription15X - 50X50X - 100XOver 100X
% of total shares reallocated to HK Offer30%40%50%
Sales Statistics (HKD)
Offer Price$16.00 - $22.00
Capitalization5.83B - 8.02B
NAV / share ($)$2.58 - $2.81 (Unaudited pro forma adj NAV / share)
Use Of Proceeds
Assuming the offer price being at HKD 19.00, the net proceeds raised would be HKD 234.00M, of which
44.9% : Fund the ongoing and planned clinical trials of Core Product
38.9% : Fund the ongoing and planned clinical trials and pre-clinical studies of products besides our Core Product
3% : Strengthen domestic commercialization capabilities and construct global marketing network
3.2% : Expand production capacity
10% : Working capital
Related Document
Remark: The above information is referenced from the prospectus.
  All data is calculated from the non- exercise rights(if applicable).
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*Admission fees include brokerage of 1%, SFC transaction levy of 0.0027%, Stock Exchange trading fee of 0.005% and FRC transaction levy of 0.00015% (i.e. 1.0077% in total).
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