【海外出差篇】表達「出差」的三種常見說法 助你成為商務精英,邁向國際市場
Zephyr Yeung
Zephyr Yeung
Part 2: 15句超實用與「出差」有關的例句
1. 「我要到新加坡出差。」
I'm going to Singapore on business.
2. 「你不知道這次出差行程安排的有多緊湊。」
You don't know how tight緊湊the schedule is for this business trip.
3. 「我們在公司附近的一家三星級酒店登記入住。」
We registered at a four-star hotel near the company.
4. 「今天下午我們的日程安排如何?」
What's our schedule for this afternoon?
5. 「會議安排在今天晚上。」
The meeting has been scheduled for this evening.
6. 「經過10小時的飛行和整日的多次會議,你筋疲力盡一點也不奇怪。」
After a ten-hour flight and a long day of meetings, it's not surprising you're exhausted.
7. 「為促使這次活動圓滿成功,我需要你們的合作。」
I need your cooperation to make this event a success.
8. 「我們安排了該工作組參觀我們的總部。」
We fixed for the team to visit our headquarters.
9. 「我們可以將行李放在酒店,直到離開機場為止嗎?」
Can we leave our luggage at the hotel until it is time to leave for the airport?
10. 「我已經錯過了航班,下一個航班直到當天晚上才起飛。」
I had already missed my flight, and the next one wasn't until that evening.
11. 「不知您能否幫我一下 —— 我想看看飛往瑞典的航班信息。」
I wonder if you could help me—I'd like some information about flights to Sweden.
12. 「我想拜訪陳先生。」(在Reception前和服務人員的對話)
(O) I am here to see Mr. Chan.
(X) I would like to visit Mr. Chan.
如果是計劃拜訪某人,你可以說'I plan to visit some potential clients next week.' 若果已經在門口,
13. 「我以前從來沒有來過這裡。」
I had never been here.
14. 「我想住在商業區的酒店。 麻煩安排禁煙房間。」
I’d like to stay in a hotel in the business district. Please ask for a non-smoking room.
15. 「我想租一輛四門轎車。」
I'd like to rent a four-door sedan.
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