

  • 費吉


    中國文史哲學士,收藏家,古董商,英國戴維德基金會(Sir Percival David Foundation)、牛津亞殊慕蓮博物館(Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology)導賞員,足跡遍及外國及香港拍賣場、博物館。國內宋代窰址考察團顧問,對宋瓷硏究獨具心得。曾師從已故上海博物館館長馬承源,現時為多個國內外私人收藏機構顧問,以及《古玩裏的金錢世界》作者。






























  西九故宮文化館的黑幕愈揭愈多,林鄭月娥除了隱瞞公眾15個月,她的所謂諮詢原來只是諮詢了西九董事局副主席,其他董事局成員也被她蒙在鼓裏。更令人難以釋懷的是建築師嚴迅奇在西九董事局通過興建故宮文化館之前四個月已受聘,展開代號「Project P」的故宮文化館設計。








【香港好去處】2025去邊最好玩?etnet為你提供全港最齊盛事活動,所有資訊盡在掌握!► 即睇

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  • 費吉(作者)發表於 2017-2-4 12:16 AM
  • #94
  • 回覆 #91 hongkonger

    La La Land music is simple and yet so musical. Good things are usually simple and raw, are they not?
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  • 費吉(作者)發表於 2017-2-3 07:53 PM
  • #93
  • 回覆 #91 hongkonger

    Thank you and happy birthday to you too!

    I don't find it strange that girls go to movies in pairs because good men are scarce these days, especially those who are good in calligraphy, Chinese prose and poetry, let alone excellent knowledge of Chinese works of art. Kekeke

    Mind your manner, don't puke!
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  • hongkonger發表於 2017-2-2 03:53 PM
  • #92
  • "you would have made a killing in modern romance."
    Sorry that I have used "killing" in this sentence, a rather inappropriate word to say in these auspicious days of the Chinese New Year.
    I stand corrected: "you would have made a smooth sailing in modern romance."
    Now I feel much better.

  • 引用 #91 hongkonger 發表於 2017-2-2 03:13 PM

    回覆 費吉(作者) Sorry that it took me so long to reply to your post. With the massive cleaning up ...
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  • hongkonger發表於 2017-2-2 03:13 PM
  • #91
  • 回覆 #85 費吉(作者)

    Sorry that it took me so long to reply to your post. With the massive cleaning up exercises and other chores around the house before the Chinese New Year, it was hard to take a breather before the hour strikes on midnight of 28/1/2017.
    I did take a break yesterday by watching the Oscar-nominated film--La La Land, which was a musical love story and traditionally not exactly Hongkongers' cup of tea. But to my surprise, it was a full house and not a soul left early for this feature film. Mind you, a lot of the audiences were girls came in pairs, instead of the usual love birds. Where have all the men gone, I asked myself?
    I am sure with your calligraphy, composition and composure, you would have made a killing in modern romance.
    Happy New Year.
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  • 費吉(作者)發表於 2017-2-2 12:08 PM
  • #90
  • 回覆 #89 Simon_L

    Those who say "It is I" instead of "It is me" might not be teachers, they might be braggers who just want to show off their good knowledge of English grammar.
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  • 費吉(作者)發表於 2017-1-28 06:42 PM via mobile
  • #88
  • 回覆 #86 Simon_L

    I am afraid not many readers appreciate the humour, pal.
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  • Simon_L發表於 2017-1-25 01:19 PM
  • #86
  • I jumped in, expecting to see some heated arguments. Instead, the threads are a magnificent display of Good English. This reminds me of an joke I heard years ago.

    One day, God is talking with Jesus in heaven and there is a knock on the door.
    " Who is it?" asks Jesus.
    "It is I", comes the answer.
    "Ha, Another English teacher", God turns to Jesus and says.

    Just for the fun of it. :-- )
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  • 費吉(作者)發表於 2017-1-20 09:19 PM
  • #85
  • 回覆 #82 hongkonger

    I absolutely share your feelings. This is the Age of Efficiency, no-one writes letters, no-one sings love songs any more to lure the opposite sex. I remember the days when I learned to write Roman characters with a flat tip pen, Chinese characters with a brush to be admired by the girls I liked but now the fun is all gone, today's girls like IPhone much better than a prose, a poem or a love song. How sad.
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  • hongkonger發表於 2017-1-18 10:38 PM
  • #83
  • 回覆 #70 費吉(作者)

    I was thinking hard on how to respond to your kind message, then I saw the quote of the day on this site:-
    When she’s important to you, you won’t make excuses. You’ll make sacrifices.

    Sometimes I do like words put into my mouth, saves me a lot of bother.
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  • hongkonger發表於 2017-1-18 10:18 PM
  • #82
  • 回覆 #71 費吉(作者)

    Yes, young guys don't know what they are missing nowadays, I blame the media, especially the entertainment industry, which is dumbing-down the whole generation.
    We don't write letters any more, those long hours of pain-stakingly nurturing words to woo the opposite sex is gone.
    We have on-line messaging instead, but the words are replaced by short form, abbreviations, and even emojis.
    We have now direct, no-nonsense, cut-the-crap mating game; the dropping of hints here and there, the subtlety of the message, the nuance of the language are all sacrificed to the instant respond time.
    Hurry up, Eros, we don't have much time, you've got to beat your wings faster.
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  • hongkonger發表於 2017-1-18 09:40 PM
  • #81
  • 回覆 #59 費吉(作者)

    Since we are both human beings, your sarcasm does have a universial appeal; a round of applause is thus deserved.
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  • hongkonger發表於 2017-1-18 09:37 PM
  • #80
  • 回覆 #65 nile

    They may forget what you said — but they will never forget how you made them feel.
    —Carl W. Buehner
    Still have hard feelings after all this time? Lighten up, I thought that geriatrics are more forgiving than other age groups. I must be wrong---some ages, others mature.
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  • Cupccc發表於 2017-1-16 09:20 PM
  • #78
  • 費先生貫徹敢言作風,實在難得!
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  • nile發表於 2017-1-14 01:17 PM
  • #75
  • I thought the two of you had a certain sense of humor?

  • 引用 #72 費吉(作者) 發表於 2017-1-14 01:10 PM

    回覆 nile Give him/her a break, would you?
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